Progressing Forward From The "Race to The Office"; and furthering, The White Hous finale,.

Required field must not be blank: Mr./s. President i.e.{Zapf Chancery} !
"The Red, White, and Blue, Blog"
ABOVE Each POST's Title : Post's DATE-Preceeds in Victory Red
Post Titles-"#001776" <><> Links- Hover(mouse over text turns Gold
Continuing the "2008", "2009, 2010, 2011,", "2012 politics", wondering, Is it really "Just Plain" Politics?

Blogger's Profiles Population Location United States": 2,310,000 3,160,000 (April/5th/2010 8,670,000)(October 18th, 2010 6,120,000); Now results total Listed In This Location , December 6th, 2010 Results Total 10,700,000 LATE OCTOBER 2015 = 1 of 6,600_

Friday, May 31, 2019

Monsters now, or monsterous; no monster stories so far thru.this administration, about the admininstration; so, out of sympathy for the others, or jealousy over, i add a monster story in general about the king of the monsters; saw Godzilla last night (thursday evening) Got a Standing Ovation by many, or a good few..!

Pardon me, hav;n taken this; Oppertunity, as this was and is,; I SHARE now. for at length that any two peoples moral or intellect compasses can draw people a bredth of ways apart from each other , Gods map has a geography that keeps us all right next door or under his canopy, and at same time (mystery how many blind or deaf) very few of us that gained both nurturing and field play taught to or somehow have turned into outward character that we can only relate that they reall must have a core inside of them at center mind, that's all about the so that others may share in the delight of the Lord. ..a Gods Special Phenomena Coarse , recreation or rescue ...

...maybe these are the times, a time that God is pouring himself uopon us all in ways to see this of Himself, to the point that each and every one of us that believe and or hear Him , can shout out to Him , ... call upon Him in our God given way ...
 , may be too say, ""See Lord, these, and all of us, to You, with all of our heart""; and as I wrote that quote of my own, I saw that I really didn't supply any specific detail, theme, purpose, point of meaning, anything in pare or pair , just a sirmize of alll accumulated that so much fringed and tangled together, along with so much seeded, an  added equal and as much on surface with what shed, shells, chaff, stalk, fruit, seeds; many of those piled next to barun borders , and some of those so rejected them asnd reject them still and may always will.

SALVATION and STRENGTH both themes I enjoyed the read yesterday of Phillippians chapter 1 after reading the gnv commentary what really Paul was both doing and Portraiting…
Im  wondering when I read , what or why an England King (George?) would have outlawed what word or the entirety of this version over any translated other.
TO what Good News of His word may I receive or share today,
It may be readily prevailent at all times,...
 and that, may or maY NOT really on doing our homework; OR ,...
... IT MAYBE something that only happens upon one , or any ones of us....
… at,  in, or of, some limit as Special Oppertunity's
The Epistle Of Paul To The  Philippians

The Argument

Paul being warned by the holy Ghost to go to Macedonia, planted first a Church at Philippi a city of the same country; but because his charge was to preach the Gospel universally to all the Gentiles, he travailed from place to place, till at the length he was taken prisoner at Rome, whereof the Philippians, being advertised, sent their minister Epaphroditus with relief unto him; who declaring him the state of the Church, caused him to write this Epistle, wherein he commendeth them that they stood manfully against the false apostles, putting them in mind of his good will toward them, and exhorteth them that his imprisonment make them not to shrink; for the Gospel thereby was confirmed and not diminished; especially he desireth them to flee ambition, and to embrace modesty, promising to send Timothy unto them, who should instruct them in matters more amply; yea, and that he himself would also come unto them, adding likewise the cause of their ministers so long abode. And because there were no greater enemies to the cross than the false apostles, he confuteth their false doctrine, by proving only Christ to be the end of all true religion, with whom we have all things, and without whom we have nothing, so that his death is our life, and his resurrection our justification. After this follow certain admonitions both particular and general, with justification of his affection towards them, and thankful accepting of their benevolence.

Philippians 1....................................................................................................................... okayand part of chapter 2

Philippians 1

3 Having testified his godly and tender affection towards the Philippians,  12 he entreateth of himself and his bonds;  22 And pricketh them forward by his own example,  27 and exhorteth them to unity,  28 and patience.

 1 Paul (1) and Timothy the servants of JESUS CHRIST, to all the Saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the (a) (*) Bishops and Deacons: 

(1) The mark whereat he shooteth in this Epistle, is to confirm the Philippians by all means possible, not only not to faint, but also to go forward. And first of all, he commendeth their former doings, to exhort them to go forward; which thing he saith, he fully hopeth surely they will do, and that by the testimony of their lively charity, but in the mean season he referreth all things to the grace of God. (a) By the Bishops are meant both the Pastors, which have the dispensation of the word and the Elders, that govern; and by Deacons are meant those that were stewards of the treasury of the Church, and had to look unto the poor. (*) By bishops here he meaneth them that had charge of the word and governing, as pastors, doctors, elders; by deacons, such as had charge of the distribution, and of the poor and sick.

 2 Grace be with you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 

 3  (*) I thank my God, having you in perfect memory, 

(*) 1 Thessalonians 1:2 .

 4 (Always in all my prayers for you all, praying with gladness,) 

 5 Because of the (b) (*) fellowship which ye have in the Gospel, from the (c) (♣) first day unto now. 

(b) Because you also are made partakers of the Gospel. (*) With other Churches. (c) Ever since I knew you. (♣) That ye received the Gospel.

 6 And I am persuaded of this same thing, that he that hath begun this good work in you, will perform it until the (d) (*) day of Jesus Christ, 

(d) The Spirit of God will not forsake you unto the very latter end, until your mortal bodies shall appear before the judgment of Christ, to be glorified. (*) When you shall receive the crown of glory.

 7 As it becometh me so to judge of you all, because I have you in remembrance, (*) that both in my (e) bands, and in my defense, and confirmation of the Gospel you all were partakers of my (f) (♣) grace. 

(*) It was a sure token of their love, that they did help him by all means possible, when he was absent, and in prison, even as if they had been prisoners with him. (e) A true proof of a true knitting together with Christ. (f) He calleth his bands, grace, as though he had received some singular benefit. (♣) Of this peculiar benefit to suffer for Christ's sake.

 8  (2) For God is my record, how I long after you all from the very heart root in Jesus Christ. 

(2) He declareth his good will towards them, therewithal shewing by what means chiefly they may be confirmed, to wit, by continual prayer. 

 9  (3) And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge, and in all judgment, 

(3) He sheweth what thing we ought to chiefly desire, to wit, first of all, that we may increase in the true knowledge of God (so that we may be able to discern things that differ from one another) and also in charity, that even to the end we may give ourselves to good works indeed, to the glory of God by Jesus Christ. 

 10 That ye may discern those things that (*) differ one from another which are best, that ye may be pure, and (♣) without offence, until the day of Christ, 

(*) Or, are excellent. (♣) That you so increase in godliness that not only ye can put difference between good and evil; but also that ye profit more and more without slipping back, or standing in a stay.

 11 Filled with the (g) fruits of (*) righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God. 

(g) If righteousness be the tree, and good works the fruits, then must the Papists needs be deceived, when they say that works are the cause of righteousness. (*) Righteousness is the tree, good works the fruit.

 12  ¶ (4) I would ye understood, brethren, that the things which have come unto me, are turned rather to the furthering of the Gospel, 

(4) He preventeth the offence that might come by his persecution, whereby divers took occasion to disgrace his Apostleship. To whom he answereth, that God hath blessed his imprisonment in such wise, that he is by that means become more famous, and the dignity of the Gospel by this occasion is greatly enlarged, although not with like affection in all men, yet indeed. 

 13 So that my bands (h) in (*) Christ are famous throughout all the (i) (♣) judgment hall, and in all other places, 

(h) For Christ his sake. (*) Which I sustain for Christ's cause. (i) In the Emperor's court. (♣) That is, in the court or Palace of the Emperor Nero.

 14 In so much that many of the brethren in the Lord are boldened through my bands, and dare more frankly speak the (k) (*) word. 

(k) The Gospel is called the Word, to set forth the excellency of it. (*) Or, profess the Gospel, considering my constancy.

 15 Some preach Christ even through envy and strife, and some also of good will. 

 16 The one part preacheth Christ of contention, and not (l) (*) purely, supposing to add more affliction to my bands. 

(l) Not with a pure mind; for otherwise their doctrine was pure. (*) But with a corrupt mind.

 17 But the others of love, knowing that I (*) am set for the defense of the Gospel. 
 (*) Or, lie in bands.

 18  (5) What then? Yet Christ is preached all manner ways, whether it (*) be under a (m) pretence, or sincerely; and I therein joy, yea, and will joy. 

(5) He sheweth by setting forth his own example, that the end of our afflictions is true joy, and that through the virtue of the Spirit of Christ, which he giveth to them that ask it. (*) Their pretence was to preach Christ, and therefore their doctrine was true; but they were full of ambition and envy thinking to deface Paul and prefer themselves. (m) Under a goodly color of shew; for they make Christ a cloak for their ambition and envy. 

 19 For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and by the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, 

 20  (6) As I heartily look for, and hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all confidence, as always, so now Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death. 

(6) We must continue even to the end, with great confidence, having nothing before our eyes but Christ's glory only, whether we live or die. 

 21 For Christ is to me both in life, and in death advantage. 

 22  (7) And whether to (*) live in the (n) flesh were profitable for me, and what to choose I know not. 

(7) An example of a true shepherd, who maketh more account how he may profit his sheep, than he doth of any commodity of his own whatsoever. (*) To live in the flesh is to live in this brittle body, till we be called to live everlastingly; but to live according to the flesh or to be in the flesh, signify, to be destitute of the Spirit and to be plunged in the filthy concupiscence of the flesh. (n) To live in this mortal body. 

 23 For I am greatly in doubt on both sides, desiring to be loosed, and to be with Christ, which is best of all. 

 24 Nevertheless, to abide in the (*) flesh, is more needful for you. 
 (*) Or, body.

 25 And this am I sure of, that I shall abide, and with you all continue, for your furtherance and joy of your faith, 

 26 That ye may more abundantly rejoice in Jesus Christ for me, by my coming to you again. 

 27  (8) (*) Only let your conversation be as it becometh the Gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your matters, that ye (o) continue in one Spirit, and in one mind, fighting together through the faith of the Gospel. 

(8) Having set down those things before, in manner of a Preface, he descendeth now to exhortations, warning them first of all, to consent both in doctrine and mind, and afterward, that being thus knit together with those common bands, they continue through the strength of faith to bear all adversity in such sort, that they admit nothing unworthy of the profession of the Gospel. (*) Ephesians 4:1; Colossians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 2:12 . (o) The word signifieth, to stand fast, and it is proper to wrestlers, that stand fast, and move not a foot. 

 28  (9) And in nothing fear your adversaries, which is to them a (*) token of perdition, and to you of salvation, and (♣) that of God. 

(9) We ought not to be discouraged, but rather encouraged by the persecutions which the enemies of the Gospel imagine and practice against us; seeing that they are certain witnesses from God himself, both of our salvation, and of the destruction of the wicked. (*) The more that tyrants rage against the Gospel, the more manifestly they declare that they run to their own destruction; and again constant perseverance for Christ's sake is an evident sign of salvation. (♣) God sheweth by this means of bearing the cross who are his, and who are not.

 29  (10) For unto you it is given (*) for Christ, that not only ye should believe in him, but also suffer for his sake, 

(10) He proveth that his saying, that persecution is a token of our salvation, because it is a gift of God to suffer for Christ, which gift he bestoweth upon his own, as he doth the gift of faith. (*) Or, Christ's cause.

 30  (11) Having the same fight, which ye saw in me, and now hear to be in me. 

(11) Now he sheweth for what purpose he made mention of his afflictions. 

Philippians 2

1 He exhorteth them above all things,  3 to humility,  6 and that by the example of Christ.  19 He promiseth to send Timothy shortly unto them,  26 and excuseth the long tarrying of Epaphroditus.

 1 If (1) there be therefore any (*) consolation in (a) Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any (b) compassion and mercy, 

(1) A most earnest request to remove all those things, whereby that great and special consent and agreement is commonly broken, to wit, contention and pride, whereby it cometh to pass, that they separate themselves one from another. (*) If you so love me that you desire my comfort. (a) Any Christian comfort. (b) If any feeling of inward love. 

 2 Fulfill my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the (c) same love, being of one accord, and of (*) one judgment, 

(c) Like love. (*) From the consent of wills and minds he proceedeth to the agreement in doctrine, that there might be full and perfect concord.

 3 That nothing be done through contention or vain glory, but that in meekness of mind (*) every man esteem others better than himself. 

(*) Romans 12:10 .

 4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of other men. 

 5  (2) Let the same mind be in you that was even in Christ Jesus, 

(2) He setteth before them a most perfect example of all modesty and sweet conversation, Christ Jesus, whom we ought to follow with all our might; who abased himself so far for our sakes, although he be above all, that he took upon him the form of a servant, to wit, our flesh, willingly, subject to all infirmities, even to the death of the cross. 

 6 Who (*) being in the (d) form of God, (e) thought it no (♣) robbery to be (f) equal with God; 

(*) If Christ being very God equal with the Father, laid aside his glory, and being Lord, became a servant, and willingly submitted himself to most shameful death, shall we which are nothing but vile selves, through arrogancy tread down our brethren, and prefer ourselves? (d) Such as God himself is, and therefore God, for there is none in all parts like to God, but God himself. (e) Christ, that glorious and everlasting God, knew that he might rightfully and lawfully not appear in the base flesh of man, but remain with majesty meet for God; yet he chose rather to debase himself. (♣) For he that was God, should have done none injury to the Godhead. (f) If the Son be equal to the Father, then is there of necessity an equality, which Arrius, that Heretic,
denieth; and if the Son be compared with the Father, then is there a distinction of persons, which Sabellius, that Heretic, denieth. 

 7  (*) But he made himself of (g) no reputation, and took on him the (h) (♣) form of a servant, and was made like unto men, and was found in (♠) shape as a man. 

(*) Matthew 20:28 . (g) He brought himself from all things, as it were, to nothing. (h) By taking our manhood upon him. (♣) The poor and weak nature of man. (♠) He was seen and heard of men, that his behavior and person declared that he was as a miserable man.

 8  (*) He humbled himself, and became obedient unto the death, even the death of the cross. 

(*) Hebrews 2:9 .

 9  (3) Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him, and given him a (i) Name above every name, 

(3) He sheweth the most glorious event of Christ's submission, to teach us, that modesty is the true way to true praise and glory. (i) Dignity and renown, and the matter with it. 

 10  (*) That at the Name of Jesus should (k) every (♣) knee bow, both of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, 

(*) Romans 14:11 . (k) All creatures shall at length be subject to Christ. (♣) Worship, and be subject to him.

 11  (*) And that (l) every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, unto the glory of God the Father. 

(*) Isaiah 45:23 . (l) Every nation. 

 12  (4) Wherefore my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, so (m) (*) make an end of your own salvation with (♣) fear and trembling. 

(4) The conclusion: We must go on to salvation with humility and submission, by the way of our vocation. (m) He is said to make an end of his salvation, which runneth in the race of righteousness. (*) Run forward in that race of righteousness, wherein God hath freely placed you through Jesus Christ and conducteth you his children by his Spirit to walk in good works, and so to make your vocation sure. (♣) Which may make you careful and diligent.

 13  (5) For it is God which worketh in you, both (n) the will and the deed, even of his (*) good pleasure. 

(5) A most sure and grounded argument against pride, for that we have nothing in us praiseworthy, but it cometh of the free gift of God, and is without us, for we have no ability or power, so much as to will well (much less to do well) but only of the free mercy of God. (n) What then, we are not stocks; but yet we do not will well by nature, but only because God hath made of our naughty will a good will. (*) Which is his free grace.

 14  (6) Do all things without (*) murmuring and reasonings, 

(6) He describeth modesty by the contrary effects of pride, teaching us, that it is far both from all malicious, and close or inward hatred, and also from open contentions and brawlings.  (*) 1 Peter 4:9 .

 15  (7) That ye may be blameless, and pure, and the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a naughty and crooked nation, among whom ye shine as (*) lights in the world, 

(7) To be short, he requireth a life without fault, and pure, that being lightened with the word of God, they may shine in he darkness of this world.   t (*) Matthew 5:14 .

 16  (*) Holding forth the (o) word of life, (8) that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither have labored in vain. 

(*) As they which in the night set forth a candle to give light to others. (o) The Gospel is called the word of life, because of the effects which it worketh. (8) Again he pricketh them forward, setting before them his true Apostolic care that he had for them, comforting them moreover, to the end they should not be sorry for the greatness of his afflictions, no not although he should die to make perfect their oblation with his blood, as it were with a drink offering. 

 17 Yea, and though I be (*) offered up upon the (p) sacrifice, and service (♣) of your faith, I am glad, and rejoice with you all. 

(*) The word signifieth to power out as the drink offering was powered on the sacrifice. (p) As if he said, I brought you Philippians to Christ, my desire is that you present yourselves a lively sacrifice to him, and then shall it not grieve me to be offered up as a drink offering, to accomplish this your spiritual offering. (♣) To continue you in your faith.

 18 For the same cause also be ye glad, and rejoice with me. 

 19  (9) And I trust in the Lord Jesus, to send (*) Timothy shortly unto you, that I also may be of (q) good comfort, when I know your state. 

(9) Moreover he confirmeth their minds both by sending back Epaphroditus unto them, whose fidelity towards them, and great pains in helping him, he commendeth; and also promising to send Timothy shortly unto them, by whose presence they shall receive great commodity, and hoping also to come himself shortly unto them, if God wills.
(*) Acts 16:1 . (q) May be confirmed in my joy of mind. 

 20 For I have no man likeminded, who will faithfully care for your matters. 

 21  (*) For (r) all (♣) seek their own, and not that which is Jesus Christ’s. 

(*) 1 Corinthians 10:24 . (r) The most part. (♣) They rather sought profit by their preaching than God’s glory.

chapter 2 continues

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United States Of America, President

The Challenge of The Voters is That, Over-All, It Is "Our Vote", that counts!

...oooh, it seems that "Our" in "Our Vote" could come down to "Our" Judicial Branch decisions that could put any election results into, one, a position to be revoted on by "Our" Congress, limiting their's to the Judicial Branch approved candidates of "Our's", which would limit the possibility to gain the popular candidate's victory (simply because there are less people in congress than when "our" vote is counted with their's) and therfore to give us a result of a victor of a more narrowed representation to that of the influences in likes with the majority of citizens; "Us"; or two, a New Nationwide Vote for "Us" all, to be "Our President".

In Short: This is NOT Over Yet And "We" "Are Not" "Hearing Yeah Or Neah About This:" At "ALL" From (Our) "Reliable News Sources" ...YET...?


This post related the lack of reporting on the topic of "qualification by citizenship and candidates proven, proofs, and scrutiny of credabilty and public opinion; including whether the qualification is more an honorary custom or a definitive law?...:

When Do They Set Up 24 hours a day at a Court House To "REPORT?" ?; or should ""WE", "really"",

Or is it reallyJust Plain Politics?

2008 politics""

United States Blogger Population Profiles-"Location-United States": 2,310,000 3,160,000 (April/5th/2010 Now 8,670,000 )_


Is Just Plain Politics ? SEE THE CURRENT Population 2,310,000Blogger's Profile - Locations:"United States"

The Challenge of The Voters is That Over-All,... ...::Yet there is much we can do--and must do::... ...It Is "Our Vote"!

The Vote is for "President Of The United States Of America". That's what this blog is all about! ... what else is there if we dont vote? ... Then Go Back To The Top and start looking what you can find from The U.S.A. and Any Current President's found change that is "spared" for you!

Q&A Resource:

Candida Casa {\/\/HITE HOUSE}


(Edited January 31, 2008;

on this day of edit,this was the quickest I could catch of the 4 videos

most related On The "Video Bar" above:)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 New Presideent - Old Posts And Comments

Today The Oath was taken by our new President of The United States Of America.

Today, the Supreme Court of The United States Of America has not yet updated the final docket, set for discussion on January 16th, 2009 , with any results of this discussion.

Soon, all posts and comments leading up to this day will be entered as one post, alonng with the links and candidates that ran for this office in 2009.

(that day is today- january 31, 2001)

See More from today(scroll down) with Sources and Descriptions:


(Source is in bold)George W. Bush,

"Today, a good man took Office!"(Description - plain text) Back in Texas!

Yahoo! News

Kennedy, Byrd collapse - inauguration luncheon

Yahoo News- Barack Obama, left, joined by his wife Michelle, takes the oath of office Barack Obama, left, joined by his wife Michelle, takes the oath of office from Chief Justice John Roberts to become the 44th president of the United States at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

The Supreme Court Of The United States Of America(Give them time to update any progress on decisions to Proceedings and Orders)

No. 08A505

Title:Philip J. Berg, Applicantv.Barack Obama, et al.

Docketed:Lower Ct:United States Court of Appeals for the Third CircuitCase Nos.:(08-4340)~~~Date~~~~~~~~~~

Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dec 8 2008 Application (08A505) for an injunction pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.

Dec 9 2008Application (08A505) denied by Justice Souter.Dec 15 2008Application (08A505) refiled and submitted to Justice Kennedy.

Dec 17 2008Application (08A505) denied by Justice Kennedy.Dec 18 2008Application (08A505) refiled and submitted to Justice Scalia.

Dec 23 2008Application (08A505) referred to the Court.Dec 23 2008DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 16, 2009.~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Phone~~~Attorneys for Petitioner:Philip J. Berg555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12(610) 825-3134Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531Party name: Philip J. BergAttorneys for Respondents:Gregory G. GarreSolicitor General(202) 514-2217United States Department of Justice950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Washington, DC 20530-0001Party name: Federal Election Commission, et al.Lawrence J. JoyceLawrence J. Joyce LLC(520) 584-02361517 N. Wilmot Rd., #215Tucson, AZ 85712Party name: Bill Anderson

Friday, January 16, 2009


January 20th 2008 Brought Change, BUT, This Website
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iS THIS, FINALY THE LAST CASE? Docket for 08A505 Philip J. Berg, Applicant. v. Barack Obama, et al. ... Application (08A505) referred to the Court. Dec 23 2008, DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 16, 2009. ... Philip J. Berg, 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12, (610) 825-3134 - 4k Momentum by the consitancy of the Supreme Court's decision history of cases so far on this issue are largely in favor of "Not Hearing"; whether this is the last case, I Do Not Know. My wonder is really more about the Supreme Court Establishment's Integrity; i.e.: if one of them says I don't want to hear it, then none of them will say they will either; if any think "we should here this" then one of them should; all this concidering our best interests and not the political structures branched dominion leveraging. The math makes me wonder if anyone could seek a fair hearing when your asking it to be heard against or "about" one of the three branches, "by" one of the other three branches, of what the third and last branch has seeded; can this formula include a fair chance for anyone who is not part "of a branch" but a remedial thread? Thats why I feel The Constitution is the X-factor here. Isn't it? Obama himself is a Lawyer and the dynamics of the Presidential job seems to pose a fabric of obstacle by its nature on the President's weeknesses...just like everthing else about the U.S. would be by its competitor's. Obama could handle his case fine, I figure. The case, though it seems, is about the people, only in this case the Fifth Amendment appears but does what? Its my MATH, followed by case dockets. ITS ABOUT OUR POWERS The FORMULA is "2 Of 3" Branches are divided or multiplied by "1 of the 2" of 3. Does The 3rd have any participation? Or Did They? The issue is not only will the case be heard as its already been pushed up to this level, but a Part is an "X" factor; The Constitution. The "3" are our Branches of Government. The campaign was for change

Monday, December 29, 2008

Article 2 Section 1 OF THE CONSTITUTION is

"ARTICLE 1 SECTION 2 OF THE CONSTITUTION" NOTE It Is, What it "IS" and "is" "AT STAKE"; is It Not?

Docket for 08-570 Oct 31, 2008 ... Dec 17 2008, DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 9, 2009. ... Philip J. Berg, 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 No. 08-570 Title: Philip J. Berg, Petitioner v. Barack Obama, et al. Docketed: October 31, 2008 Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Case Nos.: (08-4340) Rule 11 ~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oct 30 2008 Petition for a writ of certiorari before judgment filed. (Response due December 1, 2008) Oct 31 2008 Application (08A391) for an injunction pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter. Nov 3 2008 Supplemental brief of applicant Philip J. Berg filed. Nov 3 2008 Application (08A391) denied by Justice Souter. Nov 18 2008 Waiver of right of respondents Federal Election Commission, et al. to respond filed. Dec 1 2008 Motion for leave to file amicus brief filed by Bill Anderson. Dec 8 2008 Application (08A505) for an injunction pending the disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter. Dec 9 2008 Application (08A505) denied by Justice Souter. Dec 15 2008 Application (08A505) refiled and submitted to Justice Kennedy. Dec 17 2008 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 9, 2009. Dec 17 2008 Application (08A505) denied by Justice Kennedy. Dec 18 2008 Application (08A505) refiled and submitted to Justice Scalia. Dec 23 2008 Application (08A505) referred to the Court. Dec 23 2008 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 16, 2009. ~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~ Attorneys for Petitioner: Philip J. Berg 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12 (610) 825-3134 Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 Party name: Philip J. Berg Attorneys for Respondents: Gregory G. Garre Solicitor General (202) 514-2217 United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20530-0001 Party name: Federal Election Commission, et al. Other: Lawrence J. Joyce Lawrence J. Joyce LLC (520) 584-0236 1517 N. Wilmot Rd., #215 Tucson, AZ 85712 Party name: Bill Anderson

Taking a look at this from this point of view:

Philip J Berg lawsuit, US Supreme Court, Update December 2, 2008, Emergency Injunction, Writ of Certiorari deadline, Obama and DNC

Note: ARTICLE 2 SECTION 1 OF THE CONSTITUTION Article II Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same term, be elected, as follows: Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice President. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


WHAT IS THIS THAT IS BEING PASSED ALONG IN SOME TANGENT OF "THE LEAST LIKELY TIMING FOR A DESCISION, PROCESS" For A Supreme Court Ruling that Could Change The Results Of The General Public's VOTE for The New President Elect? This may seem out in "left field" (simply "way -out there, somewhere") ... Whats the hold up? And Who is paying for what?(if any one or anything)

5 OLC 180; June 17, 1981

Anti-Lobbying Restrictions Applicable to Community ServicesAdministration Grantees

The anti-lobbying rider in the Community Services Administration(CSA) appropriation act is broader than the generally applicablerestrictions on lobbying by executive officers, and prohibits recipientsof CSA grant funds from engaging in any activity designed to influencelegislation pending before Congress, including direct contacts withCongress.

Congress is under no obligation to make funds available to any agencyfor every authorized activity in any given fiscal year, and there shouldbe no presumption that it has done so.

The anti-lobbying statute, 18 U.S.C. Section 1913, and the general"publicity and propaganda" rider in the General GovernmentAppropriations Act, have been narrowly construed to prohibit the use offederal funds for "grassroots" lobbying, but not to prohibit a widerange of necessary communications between the Executive on the one hand,and Congress and the general public on the other. The considerationsthat underlie this narrow construction are irrelevant to a prohibitionagainst lobbying by private persons receiving federal grants andcontracts.

Statements made by individual legislators and committees after theenactment of legislation carry little weight in statutoryinterpretation, and are not a sufficient basis for altering a conclusionrequired by the plain meaning of the statutory language.


On January 19, 1981, the Director of the Community ServicesAdministration (CSA) published in the Federal Register an interpretiveruling by the CSA General Counsel discussing the legal effect of an"anti-lobbying" rider that applies to CSA appropriations. See 46 Fed.Reg. 4919. The history and language of the rider are set out in themargin. /1/ In his ruling, the CSA General Counsel concluded that therider, in its application to CSA grantees, imposes anti-lobbyingrestrictions that are no more stringent than those imposed uponexecutive officers and employees by 18 U.S.C. Section 1913 /2/ and bythe traditional "publicity and propaganda" rider contained in theTreasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriations Act./3/ In reliance upon that legal conclusion, the Director of CSA "waived"certain anti-lobbying restrictions contained in existing CSA grants.Those restrictions were apparently based upon an older, more stringentinterpretation of the rider. You have asked whether, in the opinion ofthis Office, the conclusions reached by the General Counsel were legallycorrect.


The CSA rider imposes two different kinds of restrictions on the useof appropriated funds. The first, set forth in the first sentence of therider, prohibits the use of funds "for publicity and propagandapurposes" or for the preparation or use of any "kit, pamphlet, booklet,publication, radio, television, or film presentation designed to supportor defeat legislation pending before Congress, except in presentation toCongress itself." This language is similar to the language of thetraditional "publicity and propaganda" rider contained in the GeneralAppropriations Act. Unlike the traditional rider, however, the CSA ridercatalogs the kinds of materials and "presentations" for whichappropriated funds may not be expended (kits, pamphlets, etc.), and itauthorizes at least two kinds of expenditures. It expressly permitsexpenditures for the maintenance of "normal and recognizedexecutive-legislative relationships," and it seems to contemplate thatfunds may be expended for the preparation of kits, pamphlets, and other"presentations" that are made directly to Congress itself.

The second restriction is set out in the second sentence of therider. Unlike the first, it applies only to persons who receiveappropriated funds under government grants or contracts. The secondsentence states flatly that "(n)o part of any appropriation contained inthis Act shall be used to pay the salary or expenses of any grant orcontract recipient or agent acting for such recipient to engage in anyactivity designed to influence legislation or appropriations pendingbefore Congress." Because this language forbids the payment of expensesfor "any activity" designed to influence legislation pending beforeCongress, it is far broader than the language of the traditional"publicity and propaganda" rider. Moreover, because it applies expresslyto grantees and contractors and makes no express provision for directcontacts with Congress, it is quite unlike the language of the"anti-lobbying" statute, 18 U.S.C. Section 1913.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

President Election Overview

I don't know if any of the cases involving the Supreme Court and this years (2008) election will change or add to the following result I picked up on the Cornell Univesity ""Search "LII" "" KEYWORDING "PRESIDENT" and clicking onto the results found under "Elections": election law: an overview Citizens make choices by voting in elections. Two types of elections exist: general elections and special elections. A general election occurs at a regularly scheduled interval as mandated by law. A special election would be held when something arises that does not arise on a regular basis or routine. For instance, if an elected-office suddenly becomes vacant or a legislature wants to put a referendum before the voters, then they can use a special election. The electoral process ensures that no leader can take control for an extended amount of time without forcing the elected-official to answer to the will of the people. Nevertheless, government must play an active role in structuring elections and the electoral process. Consequently, individual states carry out the electoral process by following their own state laws. Sections 2 and 4 of Article I of the U.S. Constitution provide states the right to choose their own Representatives and Senators for the United States Congress. The 17th Amendment, however, mandates that the people directly elect the senators, and explicitly bars state legislatures from choosing the state's U.S. Senators. Presidential Elections: The Electoral College In Presidential elections, the people of the respective states vote for a Presidential candidate by choosing that candidate's slate of Electors. See Section 1 of Article II of the U.S. Constitution. After the state's citizens have chosen a slate of Electors, the Electors then formally elect the President and Vice-President by casting their respective votes. When all states' slates of Electors arrive to cast their votes, the aggregate group makes up that which has come to be known as "the Electoral College." The Office of the Federal Register coordinates the Electoral College. Comprised of 538 Electors, the number of total votes equals the aggregate number of Representatives and Senators that currently make up Congress. The number of Electors in a given state's slate equals its number of U.S. Representatives plus two. The number of Representatives that a state has is determined by considering the state's population in proportion to all other states. Accordingly, each state receives a proportional number of Representatives. The government takes the national census every ten years to determine each state's population. When this occurs, a state potentially can gain or lose Congressmen, which affect the number of Electors, known as electoral votes, that the state will have at the Electoral College. Of the 50 states, forty-eight have a "winner-take-all" system. Washington D.C. follows the same system. A winner-take-all system assigns that state's entire slate of Electors to the candidate who won the popular vote, regardless of how close the popular vote in the state actually was. Maine and Nebraska use different systems in which they divide their states into districts and assign one electoral vote per district. The Presidential candidate who wins a particular district receives that district's electoral vote. Under this system, Maine and Nebraska could potentially split their electoral votes between candidates, although no Presidential election has ever witnessed either state splitting. No federal law exists that binds Electors to vote for a certain candidate. However, twenty-six states have developed laws for this purpose. After each state has submitted their Electors' votes, the votes are counted and a President and Vice-President are named. Usually, the Electoral College emerges with a winner identical to the U.S. popular vote. However, in 1824, 1876, 1888, and 2000, the Electoral College winner lost the popular vote. Congressional Elections States may individually decide how to carry out their elections for Representatives, Senators and electors. Each state differs in structure, with most assigning administrative offices the task of running elections. States also differ on rules concerning when, where and how citizens may vote (see Congressional Districts). While the people of the respective states have always directly elected Representatives, most individual state legislatures chose the U.S. Senators that would represent that state until the ratification of the 17th Amendment in 1913. A product of the Progressive Era's call for more democracy, the 17th Amendment gave citizens more influence over the federal government. Changes in Election Law While Amendments to the U.S. Constitution are rare, seven of the twenty-seven Amendments that have passed deal with altering the process of electing the United States Federal Government. The 12th Amendment clarifies that each Elector of the Electoral College must cast two votes - one for President and one for Vice President. The 15th Amendment disallows abridging the right to vote on the basis of race, and the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote. The 17th Amendment gives the people the right to directly elect their U.S. Senators. The 23rd Amendment granted electoral votes to Washington D.C. The 24th Amendment eliminated Poll Taxes, and the 26th Amendment lowered the voting age to 18. Recently-passed federal statutes have created a means for military personnel and overseas citizens to vote and have aided the elderly and disabled citizens' ability to vote. In 1993 Congress passed the "motor voter" law, which enables citizens to register to vote when they apply for driver's licenses. Some states have recently begun adopting voter identification laws as well in an effort to combat voter fraud. These laws require voters to present identification when they arrive at the polling location to vote. Many felt that Indiana had the most stringent requirement because it required voters to present photo identification. Because some felt that the statute disproportionately burdened the elderly and the minorities, the statute was challenged and went before the U.S. Supreme Court in Crawford v. Marion (07-21). The Supreme Court, however, upheld the law. Campaign Reform In 1971 Congress passed the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) to closely regulate federal elections. The law increased necessary disclosure of federal campaign contributions and created the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) to administer federal elections. In 1979 the FEC permitted political parties to spend unlimited amounts of hard money on certain activities, and soft money went unregulated by the FEC. Hard money refers to funding donated directly to a campaign or political party, whereas soft money refers to funding contributed to organizations, often known as 527s, that advocate issues and indirectly advocate a candidate, without specifically advocating for the election or defeat of a particular candidate. Following the law's passage, the U.S. Supreme Court took up the law's constitutionality in Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1 (1976), a landmark decision concerning the interplay between campaign regulations and First Amendment rights. In Buckley the Supreme Court ruled that the FEC could regulate and limit donations to campaigns but could not cap the amount of money that a political campaign could spend because doing so violates the First Amendment. Buckley also held that the FEC could not constitutionally regulate soft money. Over the next three decades, concerns with the increasing costs of conducting a political campaign did not subside, and the popularity of soft money drove much of this concern. In accordance with this concern, Congress passed the McCain-Feingold (Bipartisan Campaign Reform) Act of 2002 (BCRA). The BCRA amended the FECA to add a provision, which disallowed federal candidates from using corporate and union funding to launch television ads on satellite or cable within 30 days of a primary and 60 days of a general election. A second amendment prohibited candidates and political parties at both the national and state levels from spending soft money on federal elections. Immediately after the President signed the law, members of the U.S. Congress challenged the law's constitutionality before the U.S. Supreme Court. In McConnell v. FEC, 540 U.S. 93 (2003), the Court upheld the Act's key provisions. However, with two new justices on the bench in 2006, the Supreme Court reengaged the campaign finance debate, striking down a Vermont law because the low campaign expenditure ceiling it implemented was disproportionate to the goal it advanced. See Randall v. Sorrell, 548 U.S. 230 (2006). Then, in 2007 the Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision in FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life. 551 U.S. ___. As it applied to Wisconsin Right to Life, the Court struck down the portion of the BCRA that prohibited organizations from running issue ads within a certain number of days of the election because the provision restricted political speech and therefore violated the First Amendment rights of the organization. The Supreme Court also expounded on the BCRA's provision known as "the Millionaire's Amendment" in the 2008 case of Davis v. FEC (07-320). The Millionaire's Amendment only affected candidates who had spent in excess of $350,000 in personal funds on their own campaign. The BCRA permitted the opponents of these candidates to receive triple the amount of personal contributions typically allowed and permitted the opponents to accept coordinated party contributions without limit, but the BCRA held self-financing candidates to the normal limit. Finding that the provision burdened free speech and associational rights, the Supreme Court struck down the provision as well. The combination of Davis and Wisconsin Right to Life leaves the BCRA in serious limbo. For more information, see LII's Backgrounder on the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Cases. Categories:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Washington's Cruisers

LXXVIII Miss Arendt's only criticism of the American founding fathers is that ... ing a civil society, and the term "appeal to heaven," which does appear, ... - Similar pages JSTOR: America's Political Heritage: Revolution and Free ... 4~ The artless "Appeal to Heaven" posed a challenge for our Constitution mak- a9 ..... to endure and to be adapted to the various crises in human affairs. ... - Similar pages

see todays news topics

NARA | Federal Register| YahooGroups Description EXECUTIVE BRANCH, NOW; Hear THIS,To One Good EAR: